Alishack wooden signs Contact: Scott and Heat;her Benham
Email: alishackhomemade@aol.com
Web Site: |
Wood-in-Bloom Inc. bouquets and arrangments of wooden roses and flowers Contact: Risa Chleck
Email: risac@woodinbloom.com
Web Site: |
Alexander's Creations wooden cars and more Contact: Alexander Poplowski
Email: apppowski@sbcglobal.net
Web Site: |
Everlasting Woods wooden benches and more Contact: Everlasting
Email: everlast2@earthlink.net
Web Site: |
Vivian's Creations wooden bowls Contact: Vivian
Email: vivah16@comcast.net
Web Site: |
Lunar Fazes woodburnt boxes, wall hangings, wands and walking sticks Contact: Chris or Priscilla
Email: lunarfazes@charter.net
Web Site: |
Pieces of Wood tides jewelry box pens and pencils, bottle stoppers, one of a kind bowls Contact: John Carr
Email: jcarr@piecesofwood.com
Web Site: |
Jes's Art Work decorative painting on wood depicting Mediaeval motifs Contact: Jes Cole
Email: jescoleart@hotmail.com
Web Site: |
Duane's Work hand crafted wood cedar chest Contact: Duane Carlson
Email: carken@unitelc.com
Web Site: |
Barbara's Creations painted items by Carol Forgue Contact: Barbara Gettsinger
Email: barbara@getsinger.net
Web Site: |
Creative Christian Crafts primitive wall boxes, Pail Plaques, and votive/potpourri holders Contact: Tanja Margat
Email: cap4hlm7@yahoo.com
Web Site: |
Edward's Creations Chess sets Contact: Edward Dyjak
Email: europeancraft@aol.com
Web Site: |
Alison's Creations florals,etching, nautical designs Contact: Alison Laurendeau
Email: louis1521@attbi.com
Web Site: |
Potter's Chain Saw Carvings chainsaw wood carvings Contact: Charles Potter
Email: c-c-chainsaw@sbcglobal.net
Web Site: |
Rose Crafts miniatures Contact: Roseanne Leroux
Email: mrrjler@charter.net
Web Site: |
Smith's Boxes wooden boxes Contact: Brian Smith
Email: briansmith0319@attbi.com
Web Site: |
Exotic Woodland wooden boxes made from exotic wood Contact: Sandra Buzzell
Email: imbuzzing@aol.com
Web Site: |
Goodman Crafters curtain pulls Contact: Steve & Marie Goodman
Email: Goodman3@aol.com
Web Site: |
Bills custom wood crafts wood bowls Contact: William Bourbeau
Email: billbourbeau@net1plus.com
Web Site: |
Nutdog Creations handpainted restored vintage furniture and accessories Contact: Fran Pangard
Email: nutdog97@aol.com
Web Site: |
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